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Expo-Highlight SelectZero: Zero compromises, reliable data!

SelectZero provides a collaborative Data Observability platform to automate data validation, profile data objects, and create a data catalog with business glossary and data lineage. Our goal is to help companies build trust in their data by ensuring that analytics and decision-making are accurate and reliable, while also saving time for our users and reducing delays in companies’ processes. The platform is intuitive, easy to use, and provides a wide range of functionalities for data observability. We utilize automation at every step, use machine learning to detect anomalies in data, and provide an AI assistant to make data quality management easier. SelectZero’s platform is driven by customer feedback to provide the best solution for data quality needs, and is used by some of the largest financial institutions, retail chains, telcos, and government entities in the Baltic region.
Tallinn, Estonia
Hub27, Both 200
Contact: Argo Tali
Phone: +37 256566546
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