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Content- & Community-Hub

Learning, Experience, Knowledge: Know-How for Digitization in the Public Sector

Here you will find news and background information on the diversity of digitization and its impact on society, politics and business. We, as the Smart Country Convention team, compile the topics together with our partners and present here, among other things, inspiring stories of our Smart Cities, innovative perspectives from experts on the tech and public sector landscape and exciting background information on the next Smart Country Convention.

Do you have questions or suggestions for topics? Get in touch with us!

Our Topics

A modern public administration and smart urban development concepts are the most important future topics of our time. The answers to many questions which digitization raises for the federal state, public administration and society are innovative technology solutions for public services and social security.

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The digitalization of public services - a boring topic? Not at all. The slogans of the Smart Country Convention show that administrative modernization can be fun too! We need bureaucracy tamers and office packers, visionaries and digital experts and a lot of courage to drive innovation in the municipalities of this country: To make that happen we have the right slogans for the office and your home.

Have fun shopping and giving them away!


Luisa Gerlach
Team Press & Communication


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