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Our networking

Smart networking at the Smart Country Convention

The networking thing: A good network of valuable contacts accelerates personal success in your own career and stable growth for your company. Networking is nothing more than making the right contacts, broadening your own knowledge, building possible business relationships and meeting like-minded and different thinking people.

The Smart Country Convention is your personal networking platform: Whether live or digital, learn from each other, share common experiences, get creative together and get to know other perspectives. Use our networking formats and go into direct dialogue. Strengthen your personal networking with our Satellite Events, Guided Tours and Networking Areas. Meet extraordinary people and maintain your contact also via our SCCON App, on our SCCON Online Platform and on Social Media.

We offer you the diversity of networking!

Follow us at Social Media

Show the world on social media that you too will be at #SCCON24!

We would be delighted if you let your community know personally or via your company that you will be there! You are welcome to use our communication package or personalize your SCCON posting with our sharepic template!

Download communication package (ZIP, 13.8 MB)

It works like this:

Step 1: Make a choice from the following two themes and download the Sharepic template first.
Step 2: Click in the text box to enter your name, place of attendance or company name.
Step 3: Choose a portrait photo that depicts you. The vast majority of portrait-sized portraits will fit here.
Step 4: Once you've entered your content, select "File" > "Export" from the menu at the top. Here, make sure you export the file as a jpeg, jpg or png. When saving, you can then specify "save only the current slide as an image".
Step 5: Perfect - you have now generated your individual SCCON Sharepic.

Do you already know our SCCON Souvenir Shop?

The digitalization of public services - a boring topic? Not at all. The slogans of the Smart Country Convention show that administrative modernization can be fun too! We need bureaucracy tamers and office packers, visionaries and digital experts and a lot of courage to drive innovation in the municipalities of this country: To make that happen we have the right slogans for the office and your home.

Have fun shopping and giving them away!



You have any questions? We will be happy to assist you!
T +49 30 3038 2300


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