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Patron of SCCON 2024: The BMI

Source: Stefan Müller | BMI

An enduring partnership

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) and the Smart Country Convention (SCCON) share a long-standing partnership. They are united in the aim of driving forward the digital transformation in Germany. And so we are delighted that this year, once again, the ministry will be acting as patron of our three-day convention on digitalisation in the public sector.

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser will open our event with a keynote address on 15 October 2024.

In line with our slogan "Stadt.Land.Tech" (City.Country.Tech), this year's Smart Country Convention will once again focus on the digitalisation of citizen services and other key topics such as climate and sustainability; a well-functioning state and cyber security; digital sovereignty; dealing with data; and securing skilled workers. The event will include a diverse program of presentations and workshops.

Portrait of Nancy Faeser, Federal Minister of the Interior and Community
Source: Peter Jülich | BMI

„We want to create a more modern, citizen-oriented and digitalised administration – because we want to make people’s lives easier. The SCCON is the perfect setting in which to meet all the relevant actors and discuss joint digital solutions for a modern public administration.”

Federal Minister of the Interior and Community Nancy Faeser

Federal CIO

The Federal Government Commissioner for IT, State Secretary Markus Richter, talks about his role, tasks, and goals.

Video from 17 January 2023 | Source: BMI

Germany's government cloud strategy

Germany's government cloud strategy (Deutsche Verwaltungscloud-Strategie; DVS) is part of the government's strategy to strengthen the digital sovereignty of public administration IT systems. The aim is to create common standards and open interfaces for cloud solutions in the public administration in order to establish an interoperable and modular federal cloud infrastructure across the board.

Download Germany's government cloud strategy

Hand shows laptop computer with cloud network.
Source: greenbutterfly | AdobeStock
Germany map in 3d. Network.
Source: | AdobeStock

Digital sovereignty

The public administration is highly dependent on individual technology providers. This exposes it to the risk of losing control of its IT systems and no longer being able to guarantee information and data protection in accordance with national and EU-wide requirements. Germany's federal, state and local governments have therefore made it their goal to preserve and continuously strengthen digital sovereignty in public administration.

Download the paper for digital sovereignty here.

Implementation of the Online Access Act

Businessman with smartphone and credit card.
Source: ipopba | AdobeStock

Sustainable, digital solutions for the public administration are being developed under the Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG). A subsequent law, the Act to Amend the Online Access Act (OZG-Änderungsgesetz), creates the legal framework to further expand the digitalisation of public administration. The outline for a modern and future-oriented administration (Eckpunkte für eine moderne und zukunftsgerichtete Verwaltung), which was adopted at the same time, contains important decisions on how to approach this. The aims are to prioritise and standardise, and to closely connect the OZG with major projects such as the “modernisation of registers” and “digital identities”. User-friendliness is key when it comes to the digitalisation of public administration. A good example of approaching digital solutions from the user's point of view is the Federal Portal (Bundesportal). This central point of access to online services allows users to find the forms they need, fill them out and send them off with ease.

Barometer cutout
Source: Claudia | AdobeStock

Digital Germany – Safe. Sovereign. Citizen-centred.

Here you can download the digital policy goals and measures of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community to 2025.

Consolidating IT services – On the way to becoming a digital and efficient federal administration

The federal administration's existing IT systems are being modernised and harmonised under the federal project to consolidate IT services (Dienstekonsolidierung). As part of an overarching strategy for IT consolidation at federal level (IT-Konsolidierung des Bundes), this project aims to digitalise the federal authorities so that they are fit for the future. By digitalising and harmonising applications and work processes, the project facilitates cooperation across government.

Logo consolidating IT services
Source: The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI)
Laptop, keyboard close up, neon light
Source: Philipp Katzenberger | unsplash

Federal license management

The federal license management project (Lizenzmanagement Bund) was launched to increase transparency about the software used in the federal administration. Its aims are to ensure that software is procured in line with requirements and to optimise the use of such software. This should lead to increased efficiency, which in turn should result in budgetary savings and reduced administrative costs.

Modernisation of registers

The project to modernise public registers (Registermodernisierung) is one of Germany's biggest programs for digitalising its public administration.

The aim is to connect existing registers (collections of data held by public administrations) across Germany and the EU. The program does not modernise existing registers.

Connected registers will implement the once-only principle so that citizens and companies can apply for online services easily, quickly and securely. Citizens and companies will only have to submit relevant information to authorities and administrations once. With users' consent, this data can be reused to process later requests if required.

More information about the modernisation of registers

Server and data. Data center, data center, server room.
Source: sdecoret | AdobeStock

Why not join the BMI? The recruitment team would be pleased to meet you!

View of the main entrance of the new building of the Federal Ministry at Moabiter Werder.
Source: Stefan Müller | BMI

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) is a modern and attractive employer. It has some 2,000 employees, who carry out a variety of interesting tasks and enjoy excellent working conditions. If you are interested in working with us, our recruitment team would be happy to meet you at our stand at this event.

You will be informed about current job vacancies, our application processes and about working at the BMI. Our colleagues from the Federal University of Public Administration will also be on hand to answer your questions about the Digital Administration and Cyber Security (DACS) degree program.


You have any questions? We will be happy to assist you!
T +49 30 3038 2300


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