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What does the future of digital administration look like, Marc Danneberg?

Marc Danneberg in conversation

Marc Danneberg in conversation at the Smart Country Convention 2023 Photo: Messe Berlin

All administrative services should be offered online by the end of 2022. The federal government, federal states and local authorities have failed to meet this target - only a fraction of administrative services can currently be completed from home on a computer and there are still major differences between the individual administrations in the federal states, districts and cities.

Marc Danneberg, Head of Public Sector at the digital association Bitkom, has a clear vision of the administration of the future:

"A future-proof and resilient administration is proactive, transparent and, to a certain extent, also partially automated. The administration knows a great deal about citizens and their life situation. When events such as a marriage or the birth of a child are imminent, the administration should proactively make contact and provide information on what services citizens are entitled to. It should clearly communicate which steps need to be completed online so that the corresponding payments and support can be provided. This is what I mean by a proactive administration.

Transparent administration means that citizens can understand how far administrative processes have progressed. For example, when applying for a building permit, it should be possible to see what stage the approval process is at and when approval or rejection can be expected. The digitalization of administration is immensely important because it is directly linked to trust in the state. Many citizens currently have the feeling that the state is no longer functioning properly in some areas."

What are these areas?

"For example, meeting the needs of citizens or responding to crises as quickly as possible. An agile state that is capable of acting has great advantages. Digital administration is a building block that ensures that the state can meet the challenges of the future. Citizens are then more likely to feel that they are in good hands with the state."

More information on e-government and digital administration can be found on the new topic page on "How can the digitalization of administration succeed?".

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