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SCCON 2023: Digitization becomes AMTlich!
SCCON revolves around the digitalization of the public sector and offers an exciting platform for decision-makers from Germany and abroad.
The Smart Country Convention has become a major industry gathering and continues to grow this year. Numerous exhibitors have already signed up to present their innovative solutions and products in hub27 and Hall 25 at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Cities and municipalities such as Smile City Rostock, Smart City Solingen, Digital City Ahaus and the Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck are among the participants.
Strong political presence at SCCON
The prominent participation of the German government is particularly pleasing. High-profile representatives of several federal ministries, including the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs (BMI), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), have already confirmed their participation. In addition, the Federal Ministry of the Interior will once again assume patronage of SCCON. Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser will deliver a keynote at the beginning: "We want a digital state that is consistently conceived from the perspective of the citizen. We want to make our country more modern, closer to its citizens and more digital. We look forward to the opportunity to engage in conversation, exchange ideas, and learn from each other at the Smart County Convention on Efficient Digital Government."
The digital economy is also represented at SCCON with industry leaders and innovative startups. Google Cloud, Bechtle, Esri and Samsung are just a few of the national and international exhibitors who have already secured their booths. Interested exhibitors have until June 30, 2023 to register for the Smart Country Convention Expo.
Last Call - Call for Speakers
An important pillar of the Smart Country Convention are the diverse topics around Smart City, Smart Region and E-Government, which will be discussed on the four SCCON stages: from state sovereignty and digital citizen services to cybersecurity in digital administration and the latest networking technologies - SCCON covers all facets of digitalization. Experts can register until April 14, 2023, to actively help shape the congress program. We are looking for forward-looking digitization projects from the fields of digital administration, smart city & smart region, mobility, energy, digital infrastructure and IT security.
Tickets for the Smart Country Convention are free and available online now.

The German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Affairs has once again assumed patronage of the Smart Country Convention. Photo: Messe Berlin
Become an exhibitor at #SCCON25
As a driving force for the future of digital administration and for equal digital living and working conditions in cities and rural areas, the Smart Country Convention is a must for all stakeholders who actively advance the digital transformation. Are you interested in advancing the digitization of our cities and municipalities too? Join us and position your company or municipality as an expert in digitalization in the public sector.