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Expo-Highlight Digitale Kommune@Hessen: Data from the municipality

Cooperation between municipalities in Hesse. State Secretary Sauer hands over the funding decision to Mayor Spies from Marburg, representing all project partners.
GoDonu: GoDonu - Using data openly online together - is the name of a new project in which nine Hessian municipalities are participating. It is based on the eGovSAD dashboard and is dedicated to facilitating the comparative analysis of data with average values. Together, the cities of Kassel, Marburg, Giessen, Wetzlar, Fulda, Limburg, Offenbach, Frankfurt and the Rheingau-Taunus district want to improve the use and analysis of digital administrative data. GoDonu - Using data openly online together - builds on the previous project in which they developed the eGovSAD service and analysis dashboard. GoDonu aims to share the data obtained via eGovSAD. In addition, there are quality assurance modules for master data from the Hesse administration portal, comparative analyses, further integrations and the provision of data for the public.
Smart KIKZ: Together with Gießen, Wetzlar and Fulda, the city of Offenbach wants to create structured data and clear data competencies with its project “Competence Center for Intermunicipal Cooperation for Smart Data and AI - Smart KIKZ” as a basis for the use of artificial intelligence in administration. Artificial intelligence enables better automation, accelerated process digitization and is therefore a solution to the shortage of skilled workers. On the other hand, AI also brings uncertainties in terms of data protection, discretionary powers, a lack of skills or employees' fears, the municipalities write in their proposal. With the KIKZ, they want to develop solutions in four sub-projects: Inter-municipal transfer, data governance, sensors for traffic flows, information for citizens. The state of Hesse is funding both projects from the “Starke Heimat Hessen” program.
Digitale Kommune@Hessen
Hesse, Germany
Hub27, Both 117
Contact: Karen Verbist
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