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Dortmund and Schwerte on the way to become smart cities

Dortmund makes numerous data sets transparently available in dashboards. Photo: City of Dortmund | Stefanie Vauken
Dortmund and Schwerte have set out to create a smart region in the Ruhr area. The aim of this initiative is to guarantee citizens a high quality of life and environment and to strengthen the economic centres. The two cities are focussing on technology and innovation in order to remain fit for the future and master the challenges of modern urban development together.
From the Dortmund app to the Learning Lab
Dortmund has already taken several steps towards becoming a smart city: one of the most prominent projects is the Open Smart City App („Dortmund-App“), which was launched in October 2023. This app offers a wide range of functions, including the latest news, event information, location-based information and services such as a deficiency report and the option to make appointments digitally. By continuously developing the app, Dortmund ensures that citizens are always well informed and involved.
Another highlight is Dortmund's Open Data Portal - around 490 data sets are made available here in a transparent and usable form. With the „PROJEKTOR“ on Westenhellweg, a city laboratory has been created in which citizens and the administration can work together on new ideas and projects.
To promote digital and STEM skills among the population, a MakerSpace was established in the Dortmunder U in cooperation with uzwei. Here, children and young people can experiment with new smart technology and learn how to use media creatively. This offer is complemented by a mobile MakerSpace, which was developed together with the city library and the school's department.
Dortmund is also breaking new ground around safety and the environment. Bridges, for example, are equipped with sensors that report data on their condition and thus enable proactive monitoring and maintenance. Intelligent sensors are also used to collect information about construction sites, car parks and the climate. This data is fed into the comprehensive monitoring system with the aim of planning traffic more efficiently and being able to react more quickly.
In Dortmund Zoo, Westfalenpark or the IGA Future Garden 2027, smart street furniture will be installed in the future - smart benches where smartphones can be charged or so-called sports boxes where sports equipment or books can be borrowed via smartphone. The aim is to make public spaces more attractive.
An overview of all smart city projects in Dortmund can be found here.
Sensors, dashboards and festivals in Schwerte
Schwerte also relies on smart technologies for the digital development of the city. For example, sensors report the occupancy status of car parks and measure environmental factors such as the drought stress of trees or soil moisture. People counting sensors are also used to record visitor flows in buildings. Dashboards such as the "Smart Parking Dashboard" and the "Climate Dashboard" ensure transparency and support urban planning.
Schwerte is also heavily involved in cultural and digital events, such as the F4 Gaming Festival, which attracted over 700 visitors. These initiatives are supported by the "Inter-municipal cooperation Smart Region Kreis Unna" project.
Cooperation and participation
Inter-municipal cooperation is a top priority in Dortmund and Schwerte. This is also demonstrated by the smart city strategy of the two cities „Smart Cities DOS 2030“. From the outset, various stakeholders from politics, business, science and urban society are involved in the development of the smart cities so that the measures are jointly developed and supported by as many stakeholders as possible. The "(Digital) Participation 2.0" process is intended to further advance the topic of citizen participation - one focus here is on the development, testing and utilisation of modern, digital instruments. The "Participation NRW" online portal is also being used in Dortmund. This portal can be used, for example, to create surveys, generate map-supported opinion polls on areas to be planned, organise events and handle formal procedures in the area of urban planning and building regulations. Another component is the "participation pool" aka "participation newsletter". Interested citizens can easily register for the participation pool and receive all upcoming participation procedures and event dates by e-mail.
(No) end in sight
The project phase of the Smart Cities pilot project ends in September 2027. By then, numerous individual measures will have been implemented in both Dortmund and Schwerte. However, the project will not end there: the long-term integration of the initiated and implemented projects into the city-wide structures is being pursued.
In October, Dortmund and Schwerte will also be represented at the Smart Country Convention in Berlin. The trade fair serves as a source of inspiration and offers a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas with other municipalities and experts. The cities will once again be there to share their experiences and jointly develop ideas for a smart and innovative future - true to the motto "We can only be smart together".
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