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Partner Highlights: A smart Hesse as an example for a smart Germany

"Together for a smart Hesse" is the motto under which four different players have come together to work on a sustainable Hesse. Taking part in the Smart Country Convention (SCCON), Germany's largest congress fair for the digitalization of the public sector, are
- The Hessian Ministry of the Interior and for Sport,
- the Hessian State Chancellery/Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development,
- the Hessian Central Office for Data Processing,
- ekom21, Hessen's largest municipal IT service provider,
will be taking part and presenting themselves as driving forces for digital transformation.
A sustainable and digitized future requires intelligent solutions for state and local governments as well as for smart cities and smart regions.
With the Digital Model Authority to Full Digitization
The project of the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport sees itself as a pioneer for the full digitization of all administrative services without media discontinuity or barriers. In three model authorities, the Hessian regional councils, the means and possibilities of digitization are being tested and implemented. The ministry presents the successful procedural model as well as blueprints for future-oriented digitization in public administration.
Single point of contact in Hesse
With the EAH4B project, the Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development wants to create a citizen-friendly platform that enables the cross-border, digital application, processing, notification and payment of administrative services. EAH4B is the abbreviation for "single point of contact Hesse" and 4 times "B" (application, processing, notification, payment).
Smart Region Community in Hesse
With the virtual office Smarte Region Hessen and the promotion of smart municipalities and regions in the program "Starke Heimat Hessen", the Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development supports the Hessian municipalities in the digitalization of the municipal fields of action with advice, information and funding.
The path to the cloud
As the state's full-service provider, this means the Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD) is making the transition from a traditional data center provider with cloud technology solutions to a full-fledged cloud provider with comprehensive end-to-end offerings for all of its customers' needs.
cosma21 - comprehensive smart city/smart region solution for municipalities
Real-time data and AI-supported analyses as well as regional networking - ekom21, the Hessian IT service provider, offers Hessian municipalities cosma21 for this purpose. The offering includes not only immediately deployable use cases, but also a holistic approach from analysis to strategy development to some "all in one" use cases" in conjunction with the associated data platform.
Hesse has understood!
State and local governments face major challenges, especially in times of crisis - such as in the areas of the environment, pandemics or energy. Here, digitization can ensure a faster flow of information, better clarity and sound decision-making reliability.
We will show you our best practices and lessons learned at SCCON. We look forward to seeing you there!
Become an exhibitor at #SCCON25
As a driving force for the future of digital administration and for equal digital living and working conditions in cities and rural areas, the Smart Country Convention is a must for all stakeholders who actively advance the digital transformation. Are you interested in advancing the digitization of our cities and municipalities too? Join us and position your company or municipality as an expert in digitalization in the public sector.