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Ukraine: Digital pioneer during the war

Panoramic view of Freedom Square in Kiev, Ukraine, with the Independence Monument in the foreground, surrounded by historic buildings and modern architecture under a clear blue sky.

Freedom Square in Kiev, Ukraine, with the Independence Monument in the foreground. Photo: Unsplash

2008, Ukraine was ranked 82nd in the world in the eGovernment Development Index. When President Volodymyr Zelensky took office in 2019, the framework conditions for eGovernment were in place but had hardly been implemented. Zelenskyi's government accelerated digitalisation and presented the "Diia" app in 2020 - and the name says it all, as "Diia" means something like "action".

With the Russian war of aggression in 2022, the app became indispensable for many Ukrainians. Traditional visits to the authorities have often become too dangerous or impossible. Many people have been displaced or have fled their homes. Diia enables them to handle registration, registry office matters, social benefits, taxes and construction procedures online. War-related services such as compensation applications, veterans' aid, air raid warnings and reporting Russian troop movements are also integrated into the app. War bonds are even sold via Diia. Around 19.5 million people - more than 70% of the adult population - use Diia.

Another key feature of the app is that it uses digital signatures (eID) and accesses the central population register. These technologies mean that a lot of data is already known when an application is made and does not have to be entered again - this makes the process much easier and faster.

Digitalisation and the IT sector

Ukraine has also made significant economic progress in terms of digitalisation. The country is now a globally recognised technical centre for the development of complex IT solutions and the manufacture of globally recognised IT products. The Ukrainian IT sector has become the country's second largest export industry and is growing by 25-30% annually. Before the Russian attack, the IT sector was one of the largest exporters of IT services in Europe, accounting for almost 5% of GDP. The Ministry of Digital Transformation is aiming to increase this share to 10 % by 2030.

Cybersecurity and digital quality of life

Ukraine also stands out in the area of cyber security. Ranked 24th in the 2022 Global Cybersecurity Index, the country outperforms countries such as Canada, Luxembourg and South Korea. In the 2023 Digital Quality of Life Index, Ukraine ranks 46th out of 110 countries, establishing itself as a leading country in the digital sector. Ukraine is also one of the top five countries in the world for contactless payments with gadgets.

Despite the challenges posed by the war, the Ukrainian IT industry remains a stable and growing sector. In 2022, the IT industry brought in export revenues of 7.3 billion dollars and was able to grow by almost 6% compared to the pre-war year despite the war situation. Over 2,000 IT companies are registered in Ukraine, employing around 362,000 IT specialists.

Ukraine leads the way at SCCON 2023

At the Smart Country Convention 2023, Ukraine will be represented as a partner country and show how digital administration can be maintained and even expanded even in times of crisis. Cybersecurity is a key topic at SCCON. Ukraine will present its progress and challenges in this area.

"Ukraine aims to be one of the most digital nations in the world, with 100% of its public services digitised. And even now, with the outbreak of full-scale war, Ukraine continues to build a digital state. Even under constant cyber attack from Russia, new online services are launched almost every week. At the same time, Ukraine's IT sector remains vibrant and a backbone of our economy.

Smart Country Convention was therefore the ideal opportunity to share our knowledge on the digitisation of the public sector with our European allies and also a great chance for our companies to enter the Germann market."

Maria Shevchuk, Acting Managing Director of the IT Ukraine Association

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