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Expo-Highlight ITDZ Berlin: ITDZ Berlin at the Smart Country Convention

ITDZ Berlin supports the employees of the Berlin public administration and other public institutions with their work. Image: ITDZ Berlin
We support over 130,000 employees in the senate and district administrations as well as many other public institutions in their work every day. Together, every day our aim is to further improve the digital services for the administration, the economy and the 3.8 million citizens of Berlin and operate our own network, the Berlin state network.
We will once again be represented at this year's Smart Country Convention and look forward to the opportunity to exchange ideas with you. As one of the main players in the state of Berlin for digitalization and networking, our experts are looking forward to presenting the new competence centers to you and explaining how the state of Berlin is moving further into the digital future in various specialist presentations.
Listen to our technical presentations and meet our experts at booth Berlin 412 and at govdigital booth 414. You can find the entire program on our SCCON 2024 page.
You are also welcome to use the SCCON app to arrange a bilateral meeting with our customer managers and discuss your specific topics with the ITDZ Berlin.
Those responsible for the digitalization of Berlin are facing major tasks. That is why the ITDZ Berlin is looking for new employees in all areas - from trainees to experienced IT specialists and managers. On our career page, we would like to give you an idea of the attractive opportunities for your career at ITDZ Berlin and inspire you with our vision of modern, digital administration and innovative, citizen-oriented services. Meet us on October the 17th, 2024 at our recruiting booth, or make an appointment with us via the SCCON app.
ITDZ Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Hall 27, Stand 412,414
Contact: Kai Mara Friedetzky-Hänsch
Phone: +49 30 90222 4350
Become an exhibitor at #SCCON25
As a driving force for the future of digital administration and for equal digital living and working conditions in cities and rural areas, the Smart Country Convention is a must for all stakeholders who actively advance the digital transformation. Are you interested in advancing the digitization of our cities and municipalities too? Join us and position your company or municipality as an expert in digitalization in the public sector.