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OZG 2.0: Mediation committee clears the way

File folders in a storage room

Mediation committee paves the way for digital administration. Picture: Pixabay

The OZG Amendment Act failed in the Federal Council at the end of March. In June, the mediation committee convened by Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser met to find a compromise between the federal and state governments. With success: on 14 June 2024, the OZG 2.0 passed the Bundesrat at the second attempt. The starting signal for accelerated digitalisation of administration and authorities has been given.

More co-determination for the federal states

As part of the conciliation process, the co-determination rights of the federal states in the implementation and design of the OZGÄndG were extended. The federal and state governments are now to work closely together to realise the core demands of the amendment:

- Modernise the Interstate Treaty

- Further develop the Bund ID into the Deutschland ID

- Link registers to reduce the burden on citizens

- Implement legal entitlement to digital services from the federal government

- Reduce written form requirements

- Enable end-to-end digitalisation

Many details of the final design are still unclear. Among other things, it is necessary to define when a digital application can be classified as user-friendly and whether an effectiveness assessment is required in addition to the fulfilment of the aforementioned core requirement.

Securing digitisation financially

By far the most important question that arises in the course of the new OZG Amendment Act, however, is how the financing of German administrative digitalisation can be secured in the long term. Bitkom President Dr Ralf Wintergerst explains:

"A law alone is not enough. Above all, the financing of the measures must now be secured beyond the current year. Administrative digitisation must not be torn between the still too often conflicting interests of the federal, state and local governments. Administrative modernisation must not be allowed to fail due to funding. Expenditure on digital administration is an investment in the future that pays for itself quickly."

From 15-17 October 2024, we will be addressing this and many other challenges of OZG 2.0 at the Smart Country Convention. You can look forward to exciting keynotes, innovative solutions and inspiring best practices at first hand.

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