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Bitkom State Index: Hamburg in the lead ahead of Berlin and Bavaria

Graphic of the Bitkom country index

Just in time for the first Digital Ministers' Conference on April 16, Bitkom published the state index as a new digital ranking for digital change at state level.

More than 1,200 data points in the categories of economy, infrastructure, governance & digital administration and society were reviewed and evaluated for the study. All state governments of the 16 federal states and more than 5,600 citizens from the individual federal states were also surveyed.

Top performers and hidden champions of the state index 2024

In the race for the top digital places, Hamburg snatched victory with 73.5 points, Berlin followed close behind with an overall score of 71.5 points and Bavaria took bronze with a score of 66.9 points.

However, even the states that did not make it onto the podium in the overall evaluation stand out in individual categories: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for example, scored well in the field of digital schools, Schleswig-Holstein has a particularly good digital infrastructure and Saxony shines when it comes to digital administration.

Recognize, evaluate and learn from each other

For Bitkom President Dr. Ralf Wintergerst, the new state index is intended to close an important research gap: "Above all, it is about identifying progress and deficits in the digital policies of the 16 countries and making them comparable. Where are there best practices? What can the countries learn from each other? Where do we need more speed in digitalization? We can now answer these and other questions."

City states ahead of territorial states

The overall ranking shows that city states and densely populated regions are ahead in terms of digitalization. While Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen achieved an average score of 68 points, the federal states scored 58 points. The old federal states achieve an average index value of 63 points, while the new federal states are slightly behind with 54 points.

Nevertheless, individual territorial states stand out with positive results. Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony, for example, prove that successful digitalization is also possible in less densely populated areas through political measures.

Bitkom President Dr. Ralf Wintergerst emphasizes: "Although there are certain structural features that promote progress in digitalization, political will and assertiveness are crucial." Measures such as the establishment of a digital ministry, regular digital cabinet meetings or a "digital check" for new laws are important drivers for successful digitalization.

Curious where your federal state stands in terms of digitalization? The complete evaluation of the Bitkom State Index 2024 can be found here.

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